WHAT A nice episode tonight of Entourage season 8 episode 5 entitled " Motherf*cker which is one of the most popular and controversial episode of this Tv comedy-drama HBO. We know that Entourage is one of the most talk of town Tv series among the Tv network in United States its because many viewers are enticely to watch this just to find out the new and latest season-episode. Its a top rated Tv series which will surely entice to all viewers. So guys, Let's find out whats on this video of MotherF*cker in Entourage season 8 episode 5.
Dissatisfied with his new "Johnny's Bananas" costar, Drama hatches a plan to bring Andrew Dice Clay back to the show. Meanwhile, Vince tries to do his own damage control with a Vanity Fair interview; Eric bonds with Sloan's ex-stepmother over their romantic woes; and Ari's recent tryst makes for an awkward business meeting with Dana Gordon.
Entourage Season 8 is about Sexy, young actor Vince Chase takes Hollywood by storm with his entourage; his manager and best friend, Eric, his brother, Drama, his unmotivated friend, Turtle, and his go-getter, powerful agent, Ari. Entourage is an HBO original series created by Doug Ellin that chronicles the rise of actor Vincent Chase & his three life-time buddies, Eric, Turtle, and Drama.
Vince Chase is the newest "it" actor. His career is sky-rocketing. He makes the move to Hollywood to join his older brother, Drama, already a minor star with a long list of small credits. Vince brings along a couple of his childhood friends from Queens with him: Eric, his best and closest friend, takes on the role of Vince's manager. Turtle is the least skilled and least driven member of the group and spends his days on gofer duty, happy to just party and use Vince's fame and money to get girls and have a great time living it up. Ari, Vince's aggressive, very talented, and high-powered agent, rounds out the main cast. Watch as Vince and his buddies soak up everything that Hollywood has to offer. See what it's like to make it as a movie star. The show rings true, in part, because it is very loosely based on the experiences of Mark Wahlburg and his crew when he first came out to Hollywood.
Entourage is an HBO dramedy created by Doug Ellin that chronicles the rise of Vincent Chase (Adrian Grenier), a young A-list movie star, and his childhood friends from Queens as they navigate the unfamiliar terrain of Hollywood. Entourage revolves around Vince's best friend and manager Eric Murphy (Kevin Connolly), his older brother, personal chef and C-list actor Johnny "Drama" Chase (Kevin Dillon), and childhood friend and driver "Turtle" (Jerry Ferrara). Rounding out the group is Ari Gold (Jeremy Piven), Vince's abrasive but lovable agent. Mark Wahlberg and Stephen Levinson serve as the show's co-executive producers, and the show's premise is loosely based on Wahlberg's experiences as an up-and-coming movie star